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Online Event Check-In

Online event check-in and bracket rebalance setup!

Kelly Goodchild avatar
Written by Kelly Goodchild
Updated over a week ago

For Organizers/Admins


  1. You must set up round timers for each pool or event check-in will not be available. (Round settings are only available once you have attendees and the bracket has been generated).

  1. On your events page, click edit/delete on the chosen event. Find the event check-in settings on the Deadlines tab.

3. Set a check-in timer, check-in buffer, and which phases check-in is enabled for.

  • Check-in timer sets how long check-in will remain open.

  • Check-in buffer is a gap between check-in and start times.

  • Enable check-in lets you select the phases which you’d like to enable check-in for. It also displays the computed check-in start time! (note: you cannot enable it for a phase that has progressions into it)

4. Review the check-in and start times highlighted in green for each phase.

Note: Seeding will be automatically published 24 hours prior to the event. This is important for the feature to function correctly but it is not the same as publishing your brackets, do not be alarmed!

Check-In Opens (get hype)

Once check-in opens a blue banner will appear with a countdown on the match dashboard page, brackets pages, and all public tournament pages.

Note: Admins will always see the admin bracket, never the player bracket, even if they're registered.

2. View, search for, and manually check in players via the view status button on the blue banner. Players here are ordered by seed.

Check-In Closes

Click finalize on the blue banner! Now is the fun part, decide the fate of these tardy players! (muahahaha)

  • Remove entrants not checked in and rebalance pools. A powerful new option that removes late players from bracket, and rebalance brackets based off of the seeding of the remaining players.

  • Disqualify entrants not checked in will remove any late players from bracket, but leave the bracket intact.

  • Do nothing, and just start the bracket. If for some reason you change your mind, you can disregard the finalize option all together and start the bracket as usual. The check-in banner will disappear for players and they will be notified when matches are available via round timers as usual!

For Players:

  1. If registration is still open, and you register during the check-in period you are checked in automatically. Neat!

  2. If this is a teams event, only one of your teammates needs to check in. The rest of you will be checked in automatically.

  3. Otherwise, when check-in for your event begins you will receive an email and a notification.

  1. Check in using the link in the email or the notification. These will bring you to your player dashboard page. You can also check in using a banner on any page of the tournament you are registered for.

  2. If you checked in on time, relax! Wait until the tournament organizer finalizes the bracket. Once the bracket is ready you will be notified on the banner.


Q: I did not use rebalance and there are a lot of double DQs in my losers bracket, what will happen if a player falls into losers?

A: If a player falls into losers they will "win" each match with a DQed player in it until they have progressed to a match that relies on a winners match that has not occurred yet.

Q: I'm here but it says I missed check-in! Am I doomed? :0

A: If there is still time before the event begins admins can manually check people in. Although, whether they do or not is up to their discretion.

Q: Does the bracket rebalance only affect pools with disqualified players? How DOES it work?

A: Rebalance regenerates ALL pools based off of the new relative seeding order, meaning if the 3rd seed is a no show, 4th seed moves up to 3rd, 5th to 4th and so on.

Q: Help! I finalized and removed entrants, but I actually want to add some of them back in. Can I do that?

A: You can! Follow these steps (also illustrated in the .gif below):

  1. Go to Bracket Setup

  2. Click the gear for that phase you finalized check-in for, and reset it

  3. Staying on Bracket Setup, click into the entrants list for that phase. Click 'edit' on direct entrants, and check the box next to any entrants you removed, but want to add back

  4. Go back to Brackets, click on the finalize modal, and manually check in those entrants

  5. Finalize again, and you'll be on your way!

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