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Adding Attendees to Your Tournament

At, we always encourage pre-registration, but we also make it easy for organizers to add attendees to their events.

Kelly Goodchild avatar
Written by Kelly Goodchild
Updated over a week ago

To add an attendee to your tournament, visit your tournament settings and head over to the Attendees page. From here, click the Add Attendee button.

Search for the Player

The first step is to search for the player. Enter their gamertag, full name, email, or discriminator, and then select them from the list of results.

Players without Accounts

If the player does not have an account, you can click "Or add someone without an account" to add them. If you include an email when adding a new player, then we will send them an email inviting them to set up their account! (More info on how this works)

Players with Accounts

If the player has an account, you will find them in the results! Click them to select them.

Note: We will send a request to that player to confirm their attendance. Read more about this process here.

Select Pass & Events

Next, select their pass type and events. If you only have one pass type and one event, then these will be pre-populated for you and you can continue without any changes. Otherwise, select the appropriate choices!

For any singles events you select, you can choose which phase and pool the player is entered into (if there are more than one) by selecting from the “Add to phase” and “Add to pool” drop-downs.

Additional Registration Options

Lastly, fill out any additional options you want or any notes you’d like to leave for your other tournament admins. You may have custom reg questions, for example. Otherwise, click ‘submit’ to finish adding this attendee!

Adding Another Attendee Quickly

If you want to jump directly to adding another attendee, then you can click the 'Add another attendee' button- if you want to keep the same settings for the next person you’re going to add, check the box below! This makes it extremely quick to add several people in a row for the same pass and events.

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