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Bracket Feedback
Kelly Goodchild avatar
Written by Kelly Goodchild
Updated over a week ago

Tournament organizers can now enable bracket feedback to gather information from attendees regarding conflicts within the bracket.

Setting Up Bracket Feedback

On the “Conflicts” tab within the tournament admin, click on the tab that says “settings”.

Here you can select the date range as well as the specific events you want to enable bracket feedback for. Bracket feedback can only be enabled for events with published brackets. Refer to this help center article on how to publish brackets.

Player Experience

  • To submit feedback, the player will go to their Manage Registration tab and click into their bracket.

  • From there, they can click on "Request Bracket Changes" and select the type of issue they are reporting.



  • If there is a schedule issue, they can submit feedback to explain why they can’t make the scheduled time. The player can also select when they are available to play.

  • The player should only select the boxes with waves that they are able to attend. If the checkbox is left blank, that means those are waves he or she can not attend.

  • In the text box for "Reason" the player can explain to the organizer their reason for needing a schedule change.

  • This is how someone would request a change due to a schedule conflict such as work or travel complications.

Player Conflict

If it's a player-related issue, they should select the player there is a conflict with and enter the reason.

  • Here they can search for the player within the bracket they have a conflict with.

  • In the "Reason" section, they can explain to the organizer why there is a conflict with this player.

  • This is how someone would request a change due to a conflict with a specific player in their bracket (e.g. someone from your region, your relative, a training partner, etc.)

Once the player has submitted their feedback, they can still go back and edit their request.

Players will receive an email when their feedback has been approved or denied.

Responding to Feedback

To respond to player feedback, go to the “Conflicts” tab within the tournament admin.

Click on “View All Requests”.

Listed on this page is all user-submitted feedback. Clicking on “Approve” or “Reject” will either accept or deny the change.

  • Choosing to approve the feedback will not resolve the conflict. To resolve the conflict you will need to go into the “Conflicts” tab. Please refer to this article for more information on resolving conflicts.

Players will be notified via email when their feedback has been approved or denied.

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