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Managing Teams as an Organizer

How to add, remove, and edit teams in your tournament!

Maddy Madison avatar
Written by Maddy Madison
Updated over a week ago

Disabling / Enabling Team Names

Before managing & adding teams, you will need to decide on an important factor: Requiring Team Names for your event. This section can be found on the final step of your Event Creation cycle.

Note: There isn't a way to add/edit the Team Name requirement once the event has been fully created. If a mistake like this was made, you will either need to delete the entire event + recreate it from scratch -or- contact a support representative so that they can correct the event on their side!

Managing Pairs (w/Team Names Off)

If your event is 2v2 with team names turned off, it may be easier to use the Attendees tab in the tournament settings. You can pair teammates directly from the attendee modal, which can be accessed by:

  1. Clicking Settings

  2. Clicking Attendees

  3. Searching for the player you want to pair with a teammate

  4. Clicking on that player to bring up their info

In the window that pops up, scroll down to the team event, where you should see this:

It allows you to search for their partner as soon as you add them to the teams event. However, the search will only pull attendees that are also registered for that event. So make sure both players are registered before you attempt to pair them!

Team Registration Restrictions

These settings allow you to control team creation requirements for players when they register. You can find these options by:

  1. Clicking Settings

  2. Clicking Registration Settings

  3. Clicking Edit next to the event you'd like to edit

  4. Scrolling down to Team registration restriction type under Additional options

  • Users must register a full or partial team

    • Users will be required to register a team when signing up for your teams event.

  • Users must register full teams

    • Users will be required to register a team with a full roster when signing up for your teams event. The first player who registers the team will need to pay for the entire team and register all team members.

  • Allow users to skip team creation

    • Users will not be required to register a team when signing up, but will need to complete their team at a later date.

  • Users cannot create or manage teams

    • Users will not be able to register a team when signing up. Use this option if you would like to assign all teams yourself. You can also use this feature if you want to randomize teams (see Randomizing Teams section below)

Managing Teams

Head over to the Teams page in your tournament’s settings to start.

The list of existing teams will appear here.

From this page, you can add, remove, and edit teams and team members as you wish. If you need to add a new team, simply click on the Add Team button in the top right corner!

All other functions on the page can be accessed by clicking on any specific team to open up their Team Settings panel.

Through this panel, you can:

  • Delete an existing team by clicking Delete team.

  • Remove team members by clicking Remove

  • Invite players by clicking on Add Member

  • Assign Captain or Alternate roles for each player by clicking on Edit

  • Toggle Roster Requests on/off to allow/prevent players from requesting to join a specific team

Randomizing Teams

If you'd like to assign players to random teams, you can do this by:

  1. Clicking Settings

  2. Clicking Teams

  3. Clicking the three dots in the top right corner

  4. Clicking Randomize Teams

  5. Selecting the event you want to randomize and clicking Randomize

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