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How to access a QR code
Lindsay Gonshak avatar
Written by Lindsay Gonshak
Updated over 2 years ago

For some tournaments, the organizers will enable a QR code that will link either to your registration management or the website of their choice!

If a QR code is added, you'll be able to find it on your Manage Registration page under Your Registration > Tournament Info.

The tournament organizers can also choose to make it so that scanning this code at an in-person tournament will check you in! If the organizers are using this option, you'll want to have the code pulled up on your phone or mobile device when you arrive at the venue.

If the QR code is not being used for check-in, then it will be used to re-direct you to a different link. This could be the official website for the organizers, a link to a trailer for the tournament, a link to a form you have to fill out, etc.! You can scan QR codes on your phone or mobile device by using the camera or a QR code scanner app.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us at


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