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The Attendee Export

Export attendee information into a .csv file

Kelly Goodchild avatar
Written by Kelly Goodchild
Updated over a week ago

The attendee export is a way to gather important attendee information into a spreadsheet (.csv) file.

You can access it by:

  • Navigating to the Attendees page in the admin settings of your tournament

  • Click the Export button on the top right

  • This will automatically download a .csv file, which you can open in any spreadsheet viewing application

The attendee export will provide the following information for each registered user:

  • Gamertag

  • Location information gathered through registration (requires you to enable Location Information in Registration settings)

  • Registration Date and Time

  • Connected accounts (Twitch username, Twitter handle, Steam name)

  • Venue Badge type

  • Registered Events

  • Stripe and PayPal Transaction ID

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