Have a new feature idea? Have a critical improvement for an existing feature you would like to see? We're interested in hearing your feedback and have the tools for you to report it!
If you are not already familiar with it, start by opening our Support Chat button at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. It should appear as long as you have been the organizer of at least one tournament on our platform.
As soon as you open the button, scroll down through the available options.
Select the "Give Feedback" button. This will direct you to a list of feedback reports already submitted. You can upvote existing reports you agree with, as well as add comments to include additional context you have about the feature improvement or suggestion.
Want to add a new report yourself? Click on the red compose button and start writing up your feature suggestion or improvement. As you type in details, other similar or related reports may pop up as well to help determine if the post you are creating has already been made by another user.
Don't have access to support chat? Submit your feedback to our system directly here.