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Setting up your ladder
Kelly Goodchild avatar
Written by Kelly Goodchild
Updated over a week ago

Ladders are a live matchmaking experience that allow players at an event to continuously queue against new opponents, similar to how open matchmaking commonly works for online games.

  • Players click a button on their phone (or other device) to queue up and find a match

  • Players report their match, earn points, and queue again

  • Players obtain different ranks based on points earned

This page will walk you through setting up a ladder event!

Adding a Ladder event to your tournament

  1. Head to Bracket Setup in your Tournament Settings.

  • A bracket phase should exist here for your event already.

  • If there is not one, or your ladder is a last minute addition, you can add a new event via Events in your Tournament Settings

2. Edit the phase's pool type to "Matchmaking" in Bracket Setup

  • Matchmaking is the pool type that enables settings for Ladders.

  • You can edit your Ladder settings, also know as "Matchmaking Settings," under Brackets in the Tournament Admin. This is explained more further in this article!

3. If players are advancing from your ladder into another bracket stage, add progressions to your ladder phase.

Matchmaking settings (includes *activating your ladder*)

Matchmaking settings are your tools to set up, modify, and most importantly, turn on, your ladder. Access the Matchmaking Settings under the Brackets tab and and click the large grey button titled Matchmaking Settings. Here you will find three tabs, Queue, Pairing, and Page.

  • Queue allows you to active and deactivate your ladder, which is important in allowing people to actually queue up and play!

  • Pairing lists settings affecting how people queue with each other in your ladder. It also adjusts additional settings such as the amount of time players have to check in.

  • Page controls settings affecting how your ladder appears to those on the public end of your tournament. Also, most importantly, it allows you to enable a Ladder Tab for your tournament, so that the queue and standings are easily accessible by entrants and spectators.

Ladder Registration Requirements

  • Participation Requirements: You can indicate how attendees may participate in the ladder.

  • Must Register for event - Participation is restricted only to attendees who are registered for the event itself.

  • All registered attendees - Any attendee registered for the tournament in general may participate in the ladder event. Not currently supported for Online events.

Turning your ladder on (and off)

  • Click the Queue Enabled checkbox to open or close access to the ladder. Closing the ladder will not remove players currently in the queue

  • Queue Disabled Message is the text that will display to users on when the ladder is closed.

Pairing settings

Page settings (includes Ladder Tab setup)

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