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Registration Caps
Kelly Goodchild avatar
Written by Kelly Goodchild
Updated over a week ago

Registration caps can both be set for Venue Fees (Overall Attendance) / Events by # of players (Specific Event Attendance). Teams events also have the option to be capped by number of teams / number of players.

Setting Player Caps

To set a player cap for your Venue Fee (Overall Attendance)

  1. Click on Settings to access your Admin Panel. 

  2. Scroll down toward Registration Settings.

  3. Hover over Venue Fee and click it to reveal your options.

  4. Click Show Advanced Settings and adjust your Registration Cap to what you see fit.

Note: When adjusting Venue Fee Registration Caps, be aware that you are adjusting the overall cap of your tournament. For Event Specific Registration Caps, read below for more information. 

To set a player cap for your Event (Event Specific Attendance)

  1. Click on Settings to access your Admin Panel. 

  2. Scroll down toward Registration Settings.

  3. Choose which event you would like to administer the Registration Cap towards. When decided, hover over the event and click Edit.

  4. You will then be brought towards the Event Settings page. 

  5. Make sure you are on the Registration tab of the Event Settings page. Scroll down and you will then see Registration Cap section.

Note: When adjusting Event Registration Caps, be aware that you are adjusting the specific cap of the event you are editing for your tournament. For Overall Registration Caps, read above for more information. 

Setting Team Caps

To set a teams cap for your teams event:

  1. Click on Switch to Admin to access your Admin Panel. 

  2. Scroll down toward Registration Settings.

  3. Choose which event you would like to administer the Registration Cap towards. When decided, hover over the event and click Edit.

  4. You will then be brought towards the Event Settings page. 

  5. Make sure you are on the Registration tab of the Event Settings page. Scroll down and you will then see Registration Cap section.

  6. From here, you will see that you can either Cap by Teams or Cap by Players. 

Note: Capping by Teams requires teams to register their entire team during registration, compared to just registering individually. This is to ensure anyone who registered for a paid (offline only) event is guaranteed to compete.

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