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Adding multiple venue passes
Kelly Goodchild avatar
Written by Kelly Goodchild
Updated over a week ago

To add additional venue passes:

  1. Go to your tournament's Admin Panel by clicking Settings.

  2. Click on the section labeled Registration Settings under the Registration header of the admin menu. 

  3. In the section labeled Registration Fields click on the Venue Fee section.

  4. By default, the venue fee is set to a Checkbox type. Change the venue fee type to Multiple Choice.

  5. Fill out the settings for each of your Venue Fee options.

  • Title: Set the name of the pass (examples: Spectator, Competitor, 1-day pass)

  • Type: Choose whether this pass is for Competitors or Spectators. A competitor pass allows people to register for events. A spectator pass doesn't allow event registration. 

  • Price: Set the price of the pass.

  • Registration Option Start / End Date: (Optional) Set a opening/cut off date for this option. This is useful when having ticket pricing depend on how late one registers.

Examples of Multiple Venue Passes Usage

A competitor pass and a spectator pass

This is used by single day tournaments or tournaments that just have one type of competitor and spectator. Enter the following settings:


  • Title: Competitor

  • Price: 10

  • Type: Competitor


  • Title: Spectator

  • Price: 5

  • Type: Spectator

On the bottom is what your Admin Panel setting should look like and further down is what the user will see when registering:

A competitor pass and multiple spectator passes

This would be used by tournaments that have spectator passes for individual days or with different access levels. The Title is what describes the difference between the passes. Enter the following settings:


  • Title: Competitor

  • Price: 20

  • Type: Competitor

3 Day Spectator

  • Title: 3 Day Spectator

  • Price: 15

  • Type: Spectator

  • Registration Option End Date:03/08/2019 12:00:00 AM

2 Day Spectator

  • Title: 2 Day Spectator

  • Price: 10

  • Type: Spectator

  • Registration Option End Date: 3/04/2019 12:00:00 PM

On the left is what your admin should look like and on the right is what the user will see when registering:

Early bird competitor pass, regular competitor pass, and a spectator pass

This would be used by tournaments that want to set different prices for the Venue fee that adjusts for different time periods. For instance, setting up an early bird price that becomes unavailable after a certain time. In the settings make sure to set the "Start Date" and "End Date" for when you want that level of reg to start and end. The Title is what describes the difference between the passes, as well as the Start Date and End Date. Enter the following settings:

Early Bird Competitor

  • Title: Early Bird Competitor

  • Price: 10

  • Type: Competitor

Standard Competitor

  • Title: Standard Competitor

  • Price: 20

  • Type: Competitor


  • Title: Spectator

  • Price: 5

  • Type: Spectator

This is what it should look like on your admin page:

Viewing the purchased passes

You can view your attendees pass options by using the export button on the Attendees List page.

  1. Click Settings to access your Admin Panel

  2. Scroll down to Attendees

  3. Once you are on the Attendees page, click the Export button on the Top Right. 

  4. An excel file will open with all the responses to your purchased passes. 

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